Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 29th and 30th


Breakfast- 2 eggs fried coconut oil
Lunch-  1/4 chicken breast, cauliflower cooked in coconut oil
Snack- sweet potato chips, 86% chocolate squares 2, couple Resen candies :/ and a few carmelo eggs
Dinner- Chili's 6oz Char steak with asparagus and tomatoes, chips and salsa
Drinks- 72 oz water total including shrinker and GGMS

Exercise- 3.2 miles bike

Breakfast- 2 eggs fried coconut oil with cyanne and a shrinker
Lunch - 1/4 chicken breast fried coconut oil and cauliflower
Snack- Sweet potato chips, chocolate squares, 4 resen's
Dinner- 2 quesadillas with chicken, cheese and caramelised onions. low carb tortillas
Drinks- 72 oz water total including shrinker and GGMS

Exercise- Rest day with some light Yoga stretching

Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28th

I am back and plan to log each day my food and exercise here. This is mainly for me as I get back on track. If you happen to stumble on this I highly recommend you go and look at my recipes and information on the Trim Healthy Mama plan over at If Spoons Could Talk. That is where I spend most of my time and blog energy.

Breakfast- Didn't shop yesterday so only a Shrinker
Lunch- Leftover pasta salad (S) Ham (S) and squash casserole (s) from Easter lunch yesterday.
Snack- 2 graham crackers (only option at school)
Dinner- Chicken breast baked with panko, 1/2 large sweet potato roasted
Dessert- 1 piece 86% chocolate

Exercise- 6 miles cycling Tucker Creek Trail

Yesterday 3.31 miles cycling, Tucker Creek Trail.